How To Write An Instruction/Procedure Text

As you know, an instruction text is a text that explains to someone how to do something, such as bake a cake, play a game or work a DVD player.

So when you write instructions, you tell the reader what to do. The following verbs and helping verbs (auxiliary verbs) communicate obligation :
  • Must,
  • Have to,
  • Should,
  • Need.

Use these verbs when you write instructions :

Every driver must be able to start, steer, stop, back up, turn, and park a car.

Have to
A driver does not have to be expert mechanic, but a driver should know when his or her car needs repairs.

Drivers should know the basic rules of the road.

A beginning driver needs a good teacher.

Must and should are followed by the simple verb. You need to conjugate (give the correct form of) have to and need. Then ;
  • Have to is followed by a simple verb.
  • Need is followed by a verb or noun.

Sentence connector is a word that functions to connect a sentence to another. In a procedure text, the sentence connectors that are commonly used are :
  • First.
  • Second.
  • Then.
  • Next.
  • After that.
  • Finally/Lastly.

Example of Procedure Text - How To Be Safe In Driving

Driving is one of the most important skills a person can learn. Driving is fun and convenient, but it is also dangerous. Drivers can do several things to be safe.

First, they must learn how to operate a car. This takes training and practice. Second, drivers must learn the rules of the road. They should understand roadway signs and study traffic laws.

Finally, drivers can avoid accidents when they make decision to be safe. They should not drive too fast. They should not drive if they are tired. When people follow these instructions, they are safe and responsible drivers.

Example of Instruction Text - How To Make Cheese Straws

You will need :
  • 50 gram cheese.
  • 100 gram plain flour.
  • 50 gram margarine.
  • A pinch of salt.
  • Cold water.
  • A grater.
  • A plate.
  • A bowl.
  • A teaspoon.
  • A wooden spoon.
  • A rolling pin.
  • A blunt knife.
  • A baking tray.
  • A wire cooling rack.

How to make :
  1. Grate the cheese on to the plate.
  2. Put the flour, salt and margarine into the bowl and mix with your fingers until it forms little crumbs.
  3. Add the grated cheese, four teaspoon of water and mix.
  4. Continue to add water a little at a time, until the dough sticks together but is not soggy.
  5. Roll out the pastry on a floured tabletop to a thickness of 1 centimeter.
  6. Cut it into fingers and put them on to the greased baking tray to cook. Cook in the middle shelf of the oven at gas mark 4 or 180 celsius for 15 minutes.
  7. Allow the cheese straws to cool on the wire rack.

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