What Are Noun Clause? When and How We Use It?

A noun clause is a subordinate clause used as a noun. It functions as a noun in the sentence.

Examples :
  • He noticed her nervousness. (noun)
  • He noticed that she was nervous. (noun clause)

The noun clauses may be introduced by subordinate conjunctions or relative pronouns.

Position of the Noun Clause

Since the noun clause may be used in the same way in which a noun is used, it can occur anywhere in the sentence that a noun can occur.

1. Subject of The Sentence
  • His destination is a secret.
  • Where he is going is a secret.

2. Indirect Object
  • The club will give the winner a prize.
  • The club will give whoever wins a prize.

3. Direct Object
  • I know his name.
  • I know what his name is.

4. Subjective Compliment
  • This is my opinion.
  • This is what I think.

5. Objective Compliment
  • She will name him John.
  • She will name him whatever she wants to.

6. Object of Preposition
  • She worried about his health.
  • She worried about how ill he was.

7. Appositive
  • One problem, his incompetence, will be hard to deal with.
  • One problem, that he is incompetence, will be hard to deal with.

8. Object of Participle
  • Remembering her remark, I was careful to be on time.
  • Remembering what she said, I was careful to be on time.

9. Object of An Infinitive
  • John asked her to read the manuscript.
  • John asked her to read what he had written.

10. Object of A Gerund
  • Knowing English is very useful to him.
  • Knowing that he is here is a comfort to me.

Basically, there are two types of clause; main (or independent) and dependent (or subordinate). Both types have a subject and a verb.

The main clause express a complete thought and can stand alone as a sentence. The dependent clause does not express a complete thought and is always attached to a main clause.

Examples :
  • John wanted a new car. (main clause)
  • She is in my class. (main clause)
  • What john wanted? (dependent clause)
  • Who she is? (dependent clause)

A noun clause is a group of words which has a subject and a verb and functions in the same way as a one-word noun.

Examples :
  • Where I decide to live will be determined by my job. (noun clause as subject)
  • This small battery is what the transmitter needs. (noun clause as a predicate noun)
  • I believe that Mr. Wilson spoke about the new wiring code. (noun clause as direct object)

Noun clause are subordinate clauses which can fill the position of noun phrases. That is, they take the position of subject, object, complement, etc. in a clause.

There are four main kinds of noun clause in English :

1. That clause
No one believes that the earth is flat.

2. WH-clause
What I believe is no business of yours.

3. Infinite clause
Our plan is to catch the early train.

4. -ing clause
You are in danger of making a bad mistake.

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