Discussion Text About House and Its Generic Structure

Discussion text is a text which present a problematic discourse. This problem will be discussed from different viewpoints. Discussion is commonly found in philosophical, historic, and social text.

Artinya, discussion text adalah suatu text atau tulisan yang memaparkan sebuah diskusi atau perdebatan mengenai suatu masalah yang dilihat dari sudut pandang yang berbeda. Biasanya, discussion text dapat ditemui dalam tulisan filsafat, sejarah, dan sosial.

1. Aim (Tujuan) Discussion Text

Tujuan discussion text yaitu untuk menyajikan suatu isu atau informasi dengan menyebutkan sejumlah pendapat (termasuk pendapat para pakar tertentu di bidangnya) yang biasanya bersifat pro dan kontra (bertentangan).

2. Generic Structure Discussion Text

2. 1. Issue
Paragraf pertama dari discussion text di isi dengan sejumlah pemaparan mengenai isu yang akan dibahas atau didiskusikan.

2. 2. Argument For or Against
Setelah itu isu-isu tersebut disebutkan, kemudian Anda, sebagai penulis menuturkan sejumlah pandangan terkait isu yang sedang dibahas atau didiskusikan dengan mengambil pendapat para ahli, atau bisa juga tanpa menyebutkan siapa yang berpendapat - tetapi pendapat itu memang sudah diketahui secara umum.

Selain itu, penulis juga biasanya memaparkan beberapa pendapat yang pro (argument for) yang kemudian disusul dengan pendapat yang kontra (argument against) pada paragraf berikutnya.

2. 3. Elaboration
Sebelum Anda menentukan pendapat mana yang dipilih, atau bahkan jika Anda memiliki pendapat sendiri, Anda sebagai penulis harus terlebih dahulu memberikan elaborasi terkait sejumlah pendapat yang telah dipaparkan dalam discussion text tersebut.

Elaborasi adalah penjelasan sebuah permasalahan/topik dengan menggunakan pandangan dan pemahaman yang dimiliki orang yang melakukan elaborasi tersebut.

2. 4. Conclusion atau Recomendation
Terakhir, Anda sebagai penulis harus memberikan kesimpulan atau rekomendasi terkait isu yang sedang didiskusikan dengan harapan pembaca dapat mengikuti dan setuju dengan pendapat Anda dalam tulisan tersebut.

3. Ciri-ciri Discussion Text

  • Fokus pada manusia dan non-manusia generik.
  • Menggunakan kata-kata yang membandingkan - kata sambung yang berlawanan, misalnya : however, but, in other hand, on the down side, dan konsekuensinya (sebab akibat), misalnya : then, so, etc.
  • Menggunakan bahasa diskusi : According, opinion.
  • Menggunakan kata-kata berfikir seperti: feel, hope, believe.
  • Menggunakan Simple Present.

4. Contoh Discussion Text

Sample Text : Discussion Text about House

Living in Your Own House or A Rent House?

Many young people have difficulty deciding where they will live when the comes to leave home and make their own way in the world. Among the more common alternatives are sharing a house or flat with other young people, and finding full board and lodgings in someone else's home.

Renting a house with other young people offers the advantage of a high degree of freedom and independence. For example, you would be free to come and go at time that suit you, without needing to inform anyone that you would not be home for dinner. Another big advantage would be having other people about your own age to socialize with.

On the down side, renting involves a variety of responsibilities that may be more than you wish to take on. For example, if you rent a house, you will need to spend time and money maintaining the lawn and gardens. You may also share the legal responsibility for the rent and for damage to the property if your name is on the rental agreement. This would mean you would be responsible for making large rental payments if one or more of the people you are sharing with should move out of the house or flat. It might also mean that you are held financially responsible if they damage the dwelling.

Finding board and lodgings, on the other hand, has significant advantages. Generally you have no responsibility for the cleaning or maintenance of the dwelling or its garden, other than to take reasonable care of your room. Your meals are usually provided for you, the home is usually more comfortably furnished than you would be able to afford in a rented property, and your financial liability is limited to the payment of your fixed weekly amount for board and lodging.

However, living in board and lodging circumstances has its drawbacks too. You have less freedom and flexibility in your lifestyle, not only in the timing of meals, but also, for example, in how loudly you can play your music. Also, you do not have the companionship of people your own age.

In the end, the decision each person makes will depend on their own personal valuing of independence and of convenience, as well as their feeling of readiness for taking on the considerable financial and other responsibilities of house or flat rental.

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