3 Examples of How To Express Like and Dislike Towards Something

Mengungkapkan rasa suka dan tidak suka dalam Bahasa Inggris — Masing-masing dari kita pasti mempunyai perasaan suka atau tidak suka terhadap sesuatu, entah suka atau tidak suka terhadap benda maupun orang di sekitar kita.

Rasa suka atau tidak suka tersebut umumnya di ungkapkan dalam berbagai bentuk. Biasanya ditunjukan dengan menggunakan perkataan atau bisa juga dengan sikap tertentu.

Dalam bahasa Inggris sendiri, ungkapan suka dan tidak suka di kenal dengan expression of like and dislike.

Common Terms
Expression of Like
I like/love…. (aku suka/cinta….)
I (really) enjoy…..(aku (sungguh) menikmati…..)
I do like/love….(aku suka/cinta….)
I’m (really) very fond of….(aku (sungguh) sangat suka….)

Expression of Dislike
(I’m afraid ) I don’t like….(aku takut) aku tidak suka….
I (really) hate….(aku (sungguh) benci….)
I can’t bear….(aku tidak tahan….)
I can’t stand….(aku tidak tahan….)

Dibawah ini terdapat 3 contoh expression of like and dislike dalam bentuk paragraf, diantaranya :

Text One - Expression of Like About Music

I like listening to music. Besides it makes me happy, I can more relax even when I am getting stressed by afternoon. In the afternoon I usually listen to slow music and go to beat music, then i feel get better again.

Music for me like therapy. When I get stressed, music is my solution. I also listen to English music to improve my English. Music can be a powerful tool for increasing my language learning. Listening to music can help me increase my fluency and understand the culture.

Text Two - Expression of Like About Reading Novel

Reading novel is my hobby. I do that everyday. It teaches me life. I know types of people and their character. I can learn their habits too. For me, reading novel is not only for entertainment but also inspiration.

If i read some novels, thus, I always put some novels with me. The novel, like Romeo and Juliet or King Lear are the best of Wiliam Shakespear' literary works I have ever read.

The first novel teaches me what life is. Love can make people crazy or have spirit to be alive. Love is the key of trus or trust is the key to make people have true love.

While in second one, I can get some lessons. That the glory of life come from the deepest honest heart or the glory of life would be worthless because we can not see what life is.

Someday, I hope that I can be a good writer like the popular writers in the world.

Text Three - Expression of Dislike About Watching Sinetron

I don't like watching Sinetron. It wastes of time. But I don't understand why people like them. They only stay and do nothing for many hours while they do it everyday regularly.

Why they don't use their time for business, reading, or teaching their children. They may watch them but not for many hours.

Furthermore, many sinetrons do not contain educational messages, and the parents don't lead their children to take or not to take something useful or not form the sinetrons.

For me, sinetron only damages my brain and emotion. Why don't I use my brain or emotion for something useful, like reading and getting some ideas for business? How about you?

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