English Conversation, Asking for Destination and Transportation

Pengetahuan akan lokasi, destinasi dan transportasi merupakan hal yang wajib dimiliki oleh Anda yang mempunyai hobby traveling atau sekedar senang main, dan jalan-jalan mengunjungi sejumlah tempat wisata.

Tak sedikit pula di sejumlah tempat wisata Indonesia, kita seringkali menjumpai turis asing atau turis mancanegara yang datang untuk berkunjung dan menikmati indahnya wisata Indonesia.

Dari sejumlah turis asing yang datang, tak sedikit dari mereka yang seringkali menanyakan alat transportasi yang digunakan guna menuju destinasi atau lokasi yang hendak mereka tuju seperti yang akan dibahas kali ini..

Kinds of Expression in Asking for Destination and Transportation

Asking for Destination and Transportation
Asking for Destination and Transportation, Image Designed by Freepik

Asking Destination

Where are you going?The airport.
I'm going to the airport.
Where do you want to go?I want to go to the airport.

Asking Time

How long will it take to get there?It will be there in a few minutes.
When will it get there?It will be there in about ten minutes.

Contoh expression for asking destinaton and time :

A : Excuse me, when is the next train to Bandung?
B : It's at 3:20, atau
B : There's one in half an hour.

A : Which bus goes to the museum?
B : Bus number 25.

A : How often does the airport bus leave?
B : Every fiften minutes.

Contoh Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Asking for Destination and Transportation

1. Taking The Train

John : Stanford, please.
Ticket Clerk : One-way, or round trip?
John : One-way, please.
Ticket Clerk : Seven-fifty, please.

2. Checking on schedules

Clark : When is the next train to Fremont, please?
Clerk : There's one at seven-fifty and another one at nine.
Clark : And how long does trip take?
Clerk : About five hours.

Buying tickets

Clark : Two first-class tickets to Newton, please.
Clerk : Twenty-two dollars, please.
Clark : Thank you, and which platform does the train leave from?
Clerk : Platform 3.
Clark : Thank you.

Flight Times

Passenger : What time is my flight, please?
Clerk : What's your flight number?
Passenger : UA 16.
Clerk : That leaves at two-thirty. That's in one hour and fifteen minutes. You have plenty of time.
Passenger : Thanks.

Taking The Bus

James : Excuse me, does this bus go to the Central Department Store?
Driver : Yes. We stop right in front of it.
James : Thanks very much.

Getting The Right Bus

Michael : Excuse me. Which bus goes to the station?
Official : Number 17.
Michael : Where can I get in?
Official : The bus stop is just over there.

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